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Information from regional Drought Early Warning Systems help people make better decisions across many sectors, including construction, fish production, recreation and tourism, and agriculture. 

On this page, you'll find Quarterly Climate Impacts and Outlooks reports and El Niño/La Niña Impacts and Outlooks reports, which the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's) Regional Climate Services Program creates to inform the public about recent climate impacts within their respective regions. In addition, you'll find regional Hazard Outlooks from NOAA's National Weather Service.

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Value of a Climate Outlook at a Glance

A NIDIS-funded survey by the National Drought Mitigation Center assessed the value of drought and climate-related webinars and quarterly climate summaries produced for decision-makers in the Midwest and Missouri River Drought Early Warning Systems and in the Great Lakes Basin. 

Download a Summary of the Findings

Quarterly Climate Impacts and Outlooks

Two-page reports on regional climate impacts with an overview of recent and forecast conditions.

El Niño/La Niña Impacts and Outlooks

Regional summaries of impacts of past El Niño/La Niña events and what communities might expect when new conditions are pending.

National Weather Service Hazard Outlooks

Two-page seasonal hazard outlooks, showing the potential impacts of drought and other natural hazards, by region.

Document Date
March 2022
Document Date
November 2021